Route Updates – SMS, UTMs and Event Attributes

Wow, this month I’m sure we created more cool things to improve your company’s marketing. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and see for yourself. Log in and give it a try!

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Learn what’s new in Route!

Send SMS with Twilio

If you have your customer’s cellphone number you will really enjoy this brand new feature. Now you can send short messages worldwide with our Twilio integration and connect with your leads via SMS.

Twilio is one of the leading companies in this segment and we’re happy to provide this functionality to our users.

Now, instead of send only emails to your leads, you could send them phone messages, using the triggers that you already know like: customer segments, attributes your customers have or events they executed.

Use UTMs as campaign triggers or to segment contacts

If you work with digital marketing you probably know what UTMs are, don’t you? They are an useful way to track people interests and behavior.

You’ll be happy to learn that now we support UTMs as campaign triggers, to create segments of contacts and just to be used as filters on the contacts page to check how your performance (from where your contacts are coming and converting).

All contacts that come from a URL with UTMs on it will display this information within their contact details page.

Know everything about your user events

A lot of times just knowing that an event was executed by your user isn’t enough. In those specific cases, we recommend you using our new Event Attributes feature, to send Route more data about what happened when an event was executed in your app or site.

For example: let’s say your user clicked on the ‘Payment’ button in your E-commerce. It’d be really cool if you have the total purchase value of this product your client bought, wouldn’t it? Or you could also want to know if his deal changed on your CRM, which stage he’s now, right?

With our Event Attributes you can do these and many other things.

And there’s more: you can use this information as trigger for your automations (ex. ‘send this message to people who spent more than $100 with us’). And I’m not done yet! You can even use this as a variable in your email messages!

Crazy, right?!

Before I go let me remind you that if you need any help to implement or test all of our new features, just leave a comment below and we’ll contact you to schedule a personal demo.


  • KingMusa

  • luke_raeyne

    muy agradecido bro y saludos